Set up Druid

This tutorial assumes basic familliarity with Rust and a working setup with the basic tooling like Rustup and Cargo. This tutorial will use stable Rust (v1.39.0 at the time of writing) and the latest released version of Druid.

This tutorial will first walk you through setting up the dependencies for developing a Druid application, then it will show you how to set up a basic application, build it and run it.

Setting up Druid dependencies

In addition to including the druid library in your project


On macOS, druid requires cairo; if you use homebrew, brew install cairo should be sufficient. Removing this dependency is on the roadmap.


On Linux, druid requires gtk+3.

On Ubuntu this can be installed with

sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev

On Fedora

sudo dnf install gtk3-devel glib2-devel

See gtk-rs dependencies for more installation instructions.

Starting a project

Starting a project is as easy as creating an empty application with

cargo new my-application

and adding the druid dependency to your Cargo.toml

druid = "0.4.0"