More information
If you want more information about Druid this document contains links more tutorials, blogposts and youtube videos.
Related projects
These three projects provide the basis that Druid works on
- Piet An abstraction for 2D graphics.
- Kurbo A Rust library for manipulating curves
- Skribo A Rust library for low-level text layout
Projects using Druid
Some presentations about Druid, its background and related topics have been recorded
- Declarative UI patterns in Rust by Raph Levien at the Bay Area Rust Meetup December 3 2019
- Data oriented GUI in Rust by Raph Levien at the Bay Area Rust Meetup June 28 2018
Blog posts
People have been blogging about Druid
- Building a widget for Druid a blog post by Paul Miller on how to create custom Widgets that explains lots of Druid on the way