
A reference guide to quickly find Reval expressions


stringConstruct a simple string value
intConstruct a simple int value
floatConstruct a simple float value
decimalConstruct a simple decimal value
boolConstruct a simple boolean value
mapConstruct a map value
vecConstruct a vec value
notLogical inversion, converts true to false and false to true
andLogical and, is true only when all parameters evaluate to true
orLogical or, is false only when all parameters evaluate to false
negNumeric inversion, makes positive values negative and negative values positive
addAddition, adds up numeric values
subSubtraction, subtracts numeric values
mulMultiplication, multiplies numeric values
divDivision, divides numeric values
ifControl flow expression, if takes three expressions as parameters. If the first expression evaluates to true the if expression will take the value of the second or then expression. If the first expression evaluates to false the if expression will take the value of the third or else expression.
refRef references a field from the input
idxAccess fields in map or vec types. idx indexes fields of maps with strings and vec fields can be indexed using integer values
funcCall a custom fuction by name
cintConvert a value to an integer
cfloatConvert a value to float
cdecimalConvert a value to decimal